
Our model for governance

Vision: To faithfully serve in God's plan to restore all things under the lordship of Jesus Christ.
Mission: To assist parents in the nurture of their children, by providing a Christ-centred, biblically grounded, culturally engagement and academically rigorous education to equip the children to live for God's glory.

The Association

The governance of our school is vested in those parents who are members of the Association. It was the intent of the founding families of our school that ÁùÊåͼ¿â should be governed in this way.

Association membership is made up of passionate Christian parents, staff and other friends of the school who openly hold to beliefs consistent with theological and educational directions as set out in the , and particularly the . Full members of the Association must also subscribe to the . In short, Association members are fully committed the vision and mission of our school.

How to join the Association?

The Board

Each year, the Association elects a Board of up to nine full members. The Board is responsible for the governance of the school which involves ensuring that there are policies in place to govern and operate the Association's interests in order to satisfy its legal obligations, manage risks, provide strategic guidance to management, and monitor performance consistent with the vision, mission, and purpose of the Association.

Meet the Board here.

Our History

Over 40 years ago, the school landscape on the Northern Beaches looked very different. Our school was a vision shared by a small group of Christian parents who understood it was their responsibility to bring up children in the training and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). These parents were not content to send their children to the local public or church-run school; they passionately believed that parents should be able to partner with a school where Christ was central to a rigorous education.

The importance of a biblically grounded education prompted them to form the Association as a first step towards starting our school. From humble beginnings in 1979, our school has thrived under the kindness of God. We now partner with over 500 families, yet our core vision has remained the same.

To understand more about the Association and how the model of governance works at ÁùÊåͼ¿â, watch the video below.

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